
Sophia Hoeckle – Germany – Year 10

I arrived at Beechwood and joined Year 10. I had a great experience at Beechwood because from the minute I arrived I was welcomed into the close and loving community of the school. The school has something to offer for everyone and I particularly love the beautiful surroundings, the positive atmosphere and all the extracurricular activities. Not only have I improved my English, but I have made many international friends and excellent memories that I will never forget.

Ich bin in 2015 in Beechwood angekommen und war in der zehnten Klasse. Ich hatte eine sehr positive Ehrfahrung in Beechwood weil ich von der ersten Minute an willkommen geheißen und in die enge und führsorgliche Gemeinschaft der Schule aufgenommen wurde.Die Schule hat für jeden etwas zu bieten und mir gefallen vorallem die schöne Umgebung, die positive Atmosphäre und die extra kurrikulären Aktivitäten. Ich habe nicht nur mein Englisch verbessert sondern auch viele internationale Freunde gefunden und Erinnerungen die ich niemals vergessen werde.

Sara Ng – Hong Kong – Foundation Sixth Form

Beechwood School has been very supportive in my application to Central Saint Martins, UAL. Through the three years of studying in this school, I have learnt numerous skills in order to prepare for my future life. Before coming to this school, I was already determined to apply to Central Saint Martins and expected to receive good education in Art and English, something which the Beechwood has done an excellent job in both teaching and resources. I am very thankful that the school has given me the room to develop my own personality in my work and giving me the confidence to fulfil my ambition. There has been a huge development in my English language skills such as speaking and writing compared to the first day I came. This has been shown by the high mark I achieved in the IELTS exam (7.0). The Art Department is my favourite place in this school, it is not only because I love art, but the creative atmosphere the school has created is truly inspiring. This in turn has played its part in the development of my work and the creating of new art works.  I now look forward to continuing this creative journey – thank you Beechwood!

Beechwood  School一直以來都非常自持我考入Central Saint Martins, UAL。在這學校讀的三年里,我學懂了很多面對我以後的獨立生活的人生技巧。來Beechwood之前, 我已經決定要考進Central Saint Martins並且希望這學校能幫助我打好藝術的基礎跟提升英語水平,他們在教育和資源上都做得很好。我很感謝他們給我發展自己獨特風格的空間,讓我更有自信的完成心願。 在IELTs上得到的高分(7.0)能證明到我比起第一天上學在英語上進步了很多。美術畫室是我在這裏最喜歡的地方,不單因爲我喜歡藝術,也因爲學校給了一個開心的創意氣氛令我得到不同的靈感來發展和創作新的作品,我非常感謝Beechwood而且盼望以後美麗的創意路程。

Anna Tsareva – Year 11

I thoroughly enjoy living and studying at Beechwood School. This is my first time living away from home for such a long time, but school has become my second home. The two years I have spent at Beechwood are full of amazing memories. During that period I had a chance to meet people from various backgrounds and nationalities. In addition, I made many friends and I am sure that these friendships will last for a very long time.

I was very nervous on my first day at school but everyone was very kind and supportive. My English has improved a lot and I gained my English qualifications, which gives me an amazing opportunity to thrive academically and socially.

At Beechwood School, every member of the community is valued and loved. Teachers are very supportive and if you have a problem every person will help you. I never felt lonely at Beechwood, the academic and boarding life at this school are full with various trips and events.

I am very happy studying at Beechwood, this is the one of the greatest experiences in my life.

Я невероятно наслаждаюсь жизнью и учебой в школе. Это мой первый опыт прибывания за границей на столь долгое время но эта школа стала для меня вторым домом. Два года которые я провела в этой школе полны невероятными воспоминаниями. За это время я имела шанс познакомиться и пообщаться с людьми из разных стран и также завела очень много друзей, дружба с которыми продлится ещё долгое время.В первый учебный день я очень нервничала но все были очень дружелюбны и готовы были помочь в любой момент. Мой английский стал намного лучше и я получила квалификации которые предоставили мне много возможностей в будущем. Я никогда не чувствовала я себя одиноко и мне никогда не было скучно в школе, так как жизнь здесь полна различными мероприятиями и событиями. Я очень рада учиться в Beechwood School – это один из самых потрясающих опытов в моей жизни.

Solomiia Zakharkiv – Ukraine – Year 10

Hello, my name is Solomiia and I have been at Beechwood since Year 10. During the first two weeks at Beechwood I did not feel confident enough to speak to teachers, classmates and boarding staff. After nearly two years of being part of such a lovely community, I have realised that it’s important to talk to someone and to express what you are feeling, because people here are always ready to help you and the most valued thing, listen to you. I did not have this at my previous school. I chose this school and after experience here I can surely say that I made the right choice. It’s all about helping each other – and that’s what Beechwood does. As well as school, boarding also made a big difference to my life. It made me stronger, more independent, improved my English and has helped guide me as I make choices regarding my further education and life choices.

Привіт, мене звати Соломія і я навчаюся в Beechwood School з чотирнадцяти років. Протягом моїх перших двох тижнів я не відчувала себе досить впевнено, щоб поговорити з викладачами, однокласниками та іншими вчителями в гуртожитку. Майже після двох років як я є частиною такої дивовижної спільноти, я зрозуміла, що це дуже важливо аби з кимось поговорити, описати та висловити все те, що в тебе на душі. Всі оточуючі тобі люди в цій школі завжди готові тобі допомогти, а що найголовніше – це вислухати. На жаль, це було відсутнє в моїй попередній школі. Я обрала цю школу самостійно та після досвіду, який я отримала за ці два роки, я з впевненістю скажу, що зробила безпомилковий вибір. Взаємодопомога – це одна із найважливіших речей, коли мова йде саме про цю школу. Не лише школа, але й життя в гуртожитку зробило мене сильнішою і більш незалежною, надзвичайно поліпшило знання англійської мови і допомогло мені зробити вибір щодо моєї подальшої освіти.

Raphael Odukoya – Italy – Year 12

When I started Beechwood at the beginning of this year, I was immediately welcomed into a vibrant and friendly community. I have my own room in boarding so I learn how to become independent for University, and am studying subjects from a wide range of A levels that I really enjoy: Music, Law and Business. The school offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities, and I am heavily involved in those related to Music. I am a member of Gospel choir, our chamber choir, Schola Cantorum and have one to one instrumental lessons once a week. Beechwood has made me feel that I am part of a family and I feel that I will achieve my full potential here.

Quando ho incominciato a studiare a Beechwood, dallo scorso Settembre, sono stato immediatemente benvenuto in una comunita’ vivace ed amichevole. A differenza del collegio dove ero prima, qui ho la mia stanza singola e questo mi insegna ad essere piu’ indipendente e a prepararmi per l’universita’. Sto studiando delle materie molto varie per gli A Levels, che mi piacciono molto: Musica, Legge e Business. La scuola offre un grande varieta’ di attivita’ extra-curriculari ed io sono molto coinvolto in tutte le attivita’ musicali. Sono un membro del coro Gospel, e del coro da camera Schola Cantorum e ogni settimana prendo lezione di strumento, il pianoforte. Beechwood mi fa sentire parte di una famiglia e sopratutto che in questo ambiente posso raggiungere il mio vero potenziale.

Forest Chan – Hong Kong – Year 12

This is my third year studying in Beechwood and it is also my second year in Boys’ Boarding. There have been a lot of changes in the school throughout the three years, but what remains is the warm and friendly people around the school. Each person in the Beechwood community is willing to give up time to help each other. It is as if we are part of a family as well as being part of the school community.

As an international student you are fully welcomed and supported by the staff, they are absolutely brilliant! They will give their very best in order to assist you whether during the day or in the evenings up in the boarding house. The boarding community is absolutely fantastic, we have lots of freedom, and the staff are really caring and encourage us to try out some new things that we haven’t tried before.

I would highly recommend Beechwood School, not only for day students but also highly suggest boarding. The staff will help you with all your needs and they are extremely caring.

這是我在Beechwood 學習的第三年, 也是我在男生住宿度過的第二年。在這三年學校經歷了許多變化, 但是學校中溫馨和友好的氛圍還是完整地保留著。這個團體中的每一個人都很樂於助人。 這裏就像一個大家庭一樣,是Beechwood的一個特色文化。做為一名國際學生,你可以感受到教職員對你的關懷和支持。 無論什麼時候,老師們都會盡心盡力的幫助你。 在宿舍的生活自由度很高, 老師非常關心我們並旦鼓勵我們嘗試新的事物。我個人非常推荐這所學校, 不僅是因為學校優秀的教學質量還因為多姿多彩的住宿生活。在Beechwood School, 你會體驗到無微不至的關懷,給你一種家的溫暖。