Set within the beautiful grounds of Beechwood Sacred Heart School, the Early Years department provides a happy, secure environment where children are given the care and attention they need to blossom as individuals. In Reception we continue and extend the learning journey towards the Early Learning Goals: Reception is the bridge between the Early Years and Pre-Prep. The children develop their understanding of number and phonics, by learning through structured and guided play.
Children transition from our Early Years class to Reception in the September following their fourth birthday. The children are taught in small classes by a very experienced form teacher, ably supported by classroom assistants.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum continuing on from Nursery. The children are encouraged to progress relative to their own ability through play in a stimulating and encouraging environment. There is an emphasis on literacy and numeracy alongside science, art, music, ICT, French as well as PE. Swimming is also offered every week where the children are taught in small groups, by a qualified instructor, enabling them to make good progress.