Learning Development
Our dedicated team includes trained teachers, specialising in areas such as Dyslexia, Maths, and Speech and Language. Students needing support are identified when they enter Beechwood, through screening, or referral by teachers, and an individual programme is put in place. This may include individual lessons or Directed Study and may involve replacing a curriculum subject with time spent in Learning Development. The subject to be replaced is considered on an individual basis, so that we can give the students the best curriculum programme to suit their needs.
Students are screened for extra time and other access arrangements in external examinations. This can include in-school assessment or referral to other professionals such as an Educational Psychologist.
We work closely with subject teachers, and the Learning Enhancement Hub to improve students’ learning experience and skills. All students are base line assessed at the beginning of the school year and these results are used to form reading and spelling booster groups before school and at lunchtimes if necessary. Other support groups are put in place depending on need.